Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wow, 2012! Things are looking up. Obama is finally feeling his power and made a great State of the Union address. Yes! Tax millionaires at 30 percent; they have been saving so much on taxes all these decades since Reagan first starting cutting the tax on capital gains.

Any middle-class American who votes Republican is a moron.

All is well. Things are getting better all the time....gonna meet my friend for pizza. Non-rev'd husband to Vegas and I am free as a bird. He deserves a break from the daily grind here. I am actually writing at a time when marriage is in a good place. Such is married life. Sometimes you hate 'em, sometimes you love 'em. It's just that I vent a lot in the hate stage so people might think I cannot stand him. Sorry. Nature of this beast, me.

Vote democrat 2012!